To communicate clearly and articulately by developing the skills of effective public speaking.
To learn how to communicate God’s Word in a way that is hermeneutically sound.
To learn the art of constructing a message.
To inspire and build up those who hear to become doers of the Word and not merely hearers by communicating the timeless principles of God’s Word for life change, not merely information.
To familiarize the student with the Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada and its distinctives: what we believe (doctrine), our structure, and practices.
To provide a brief overview of the history of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, the Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada and how we work together and cooperate with the Global Foursquare Church.
Foursquare Distinctives & Administration
Friday, March 21st, 7PM to 9PM - Saturday, March 22nd 8:30AM to 4:30PM